We would like to reassure our service users that whilst we have to make changes to the way we deliver our service in line with the Government’s guidelines, we are still open and here to support people with sight and hearing loss.
Home visits
The government have communicated that extra precautions should be taken to minimise social contact for people that are
• Pregnant
• 70 or over 70
• have a pre-existing health condition
We are still taking referrals to the service as normal, but will be postponing home visits for the time being. We will decide on a case by case basis how best to continue delivering our service to people who request help.
Hearing Aid Drop in Clinics
The drop in clinics will be cancelled for the month of April and we will review the situation in May. People who are having difficulty with their hearing aids can contact us in the normal way and we will do our best to help.
We will continue our postal service for people who need life tubes and have extended this service to include batteries for people who are self-isolating or who are unable to get them from anywhere else.
Resource Centre
We are aware that some people who are self-isolating may need their hearing aids retubed. We are offering a limited number of appointments at the Resource Centre so that the hearing aids can be bought in by a family member or friend strictly by appointment only. Please contact us if you would like an appointment.
Information and Advice
If you need advice about any issue to do with your hearing loss or sight loss, whether because of the current crisis or something else, please get in touch and we will do our best to support you.