Welcome to Milton Keynes Sensory Services

We provide services for adults and children with a sensory loss living in Milton Keynes

We are committed to improving the quality of life for people with a sensory loss by focusing on building confidence and self esteem, developing communication skills, promoting independent living skills and developing mobility skills. Milton Keynes Sensory Services is funded by Milton Keynes Council and is delivered by BID Services

Services for people with hearing loss

We can help with information, advice and guidance including BSL Support with English translation, how to book a BSL Interpreter and look after your hearing aids including training on specialist equipment. 

Services for people with sight loss
We can provide a specialist assessment of your sight loss needs, training including specialist equipment and mobility support.

News & Events

Check out what we’ve been up to…

You are invited to our BSL Open Day!

Our BSL Open Day will be taking place on Thursday 8th February 2024 from 10am – 3pm at our centre. Come along, meet the team and find out more about our services for BSL users including SignHealth, SignLive, Neighbourhood Services and the Fire Service. 

Contact us for further information or if you’re interested.

Tel 01908 401135.  Text/WhatsApp 07803 452617 or email sarcmk@bid.org.uk.

Made possible with funding from MK Community Foundation.

Welcome to our latest newsletter.

Read our Winter Newsletter to find out what we’ve been up to and what we will be doing.

Find out what we've been up to during the summer

Read our SARC Newsletter for Summer 2023 to find out what we got up to. 

We love meeting new people

Please complete our enquiry form below and a member of our team will be in touch.